
4-Hour Body

So for the first time EVER, I've been sticking with a New Year's Resolution. That being, to lose weight! After a year of unemployment and sitting around, all I've done is gotten fatter. I finally hit my "Holy Cr@p" mark, and decided enough was enough and I had to get back in shape. Luckily, Adam was willing to go through it with me. So on NYE, we were hanging out with some of his friends and one of them mentioned a new diet, the 4-hour body. It was a new breakthrough, and not only had a diet that helped you lose weight, but had other pointers to tweak and modify your body (running for marathons, building muscle mass, improve swimming, and the infamous "5-minute orgasm" hahaa). The next day we raced to the bookstore, picked up a copy, and dived in.
It seemed a little intimidating at first, being some 600 pages long, but you're not meant to read all that at once. You pick what you want to improve on, and there's about 100-130 pages for that topic. If you can't read long articles, don't be discouraged, Tim Ferris is a hilarious guy and throws in a good chuckle here and there ;) I wanted to lose weight, so I was directed to the Slow-Carb Diet and Damage Control chapters. By following the methods and rules outlined, I've been able to lose over 14lbs and TI (total inches from both arms, legs, along with waist and hips) of  11 inches in the past 2 months! :D I still have about 15lbs to go to reach my goal, but I'm very happy to be making progress! Mind you, this diet (fat-loss) can be done with almost NO EXERCISE. You don't have to go to the gym, all you have are 3 exercises to help you: Squats, Wall Presses, and Arm Extensions. Super easy! Adam has made a lot of progress as well, losing about 18lbs! I will warn you, men seem to lose weight more than women, but just keep on truckin' and you'll see the results! There are also other bonuses to the diet, for example, its not very expensive, you CAN find ways of eating out as long as you play it smart, and you'll find yourself with a TON of energy! If anyone is interested, here are some good references to help keep you on track and help you with questions/concerns:
* Tim's 4 Hour Body Website
* 4 Hour Body Forum  Here you can ask questions, give answers, and see what other users have been posting. A great forum!
* If you're a big FB user, then look up the discussion group "Tim Ferriss 4HB Discussion Group". A lot of good topics are talked about, along with motivation/inspriation/and....discussions! They helped a lot when I felt like I was falling off the wagon. You gotta have some pep-talks here and there!
* Feel stuck with the diet? Try some Slow-Carb Recipes! The discussion group and forum above have good recommendations, but just try searching "Slow Carb Recipe" in Google and you'd be surprised!

It's crazy to see the numbers in both weight and inches go down, but have you ever kept track with weight loss through pictures? HOLY SMOKES I can't believe the slim downs I've had! Sorry, I'm a little too embarrassed to show them here, (I'll stick to the pretty outfits n' whatnot on my blog, lol) but seriously, if you do try this diet, try taking a picture of yourself once every week/two, and you will stay motivated! Hope this can help some people out if they are looking for suggestions on a good diet! I'll keep you all posted when I reached my final weight, along with a before/after photo ^_^ Also, I'm having my dad start this diet next week, so I'll probably keep posting about his results too.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the lovely comment on my restyle dress :)
    Congratulations on your weight loss!!
